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Add to Cart Flow

The Add To Cart flow targets visitors who have items in their cart with emails to encourage them to proceed to checkout. Through timely reminders and addressing...

Winback Flow

The Winback Flow re-engages lapsed customers with personalized offers & product recommendations. It’s an effective strategy to reactivate and win back customers to increase customer retention...

Abandoned Cart Flow

The Abandoned Cart Flow generates revenue by recovering sales of customers who didn’t complete the checkout process. By targeting high-intent visitors with timely reminders & incentives...

Cross-Sell Flow

The Cross-Sell Flow recommends additional products to customers based on their past purchases. By introducing & selling existing customers with complementary items, it increases the number of...

Post-Purchase Upsell Flow

The Post-Purchase Upsell Flow recommends complementary products to buyers immediately after their purchase. It maximizes revenue by suggesting additions that enhance their purchase, effectively increasing the average...

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