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Welcome Flow

The Welcome Flow is a series of emails to greet new email subscribers. It builds trust & generates revenue by...

Post-Purchase Nurture Flow

The Post-Purchase Nurture Flow maintains engagement by thanking customers, educating customers on how to use the product & sharing content relevant to their challenges. It targets recent...

Discount Offer Flow

The Discount Offer Flow converts more email subscribers into customers by sending them a compelling, limited-time promotion to create a sense of urgency. It drives sales by...

Replenishment Flow

The Replenishment Flow sends reminders for customers to reorder consumable products. Ensuring customers don’t run out of what they need, this flow strengthens customer retention and...

Browse Abandonment Flow

The Browse Abandonment Flow re-engages customers who browsed products on your site but didn’t add anything to their cart. By sending personalized recommendations and building trust...

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